Friday, March 16, 2012

Is it Summer or Winter?

The calendar shows that it is still technically winter.  The thermometer shows that it is summer.  Temps have been in the high 70's all this week and the forecast for next week is the same. 

Everything has grown so much this week it is hard to believe.  The spring bulbs and spring blooming trees and shrubs have exploded into bloom.  One day nothing, the next day a hint of color, the next day full bloom.

If we are having June like temperatures in March, I shutter to think what kind of temperatures we will be having in June!!!


  1. I really don't know what season it is! This weather has been crazy! According to the Farmer's Almanac, we are supposed to have a mild summer.

  2. Robin, I didn't think to check the almanac, but they did predict snow here and we only got an inch or two (not counting October!). Now if I planted my summer things outside we'd get cool weather in a heart beat, hmnn...

  3. well we got 2 feet of snow in October so looks like everything got shifted by at least a a full month. welcome to early summer. thought I'm still afraid of a late snowstorm that can wipe it all out :( I do hope we'll have enough of a growing time to actually produce anything decent.

    1. Jenny, that's what keeps me from going over board planting. I keep thinkng of the big Easter freeze a few years ago after a mild winter. Tomorrow I'll be planting my cool weather crops in 80 degree weather!

  4. It got in the mid 60s here today, sunny and very warm working outside. No wind! I still expect a few frosty nights between now and the 1st. of May.

  5. Granny, that's what has me worried. I'll take the cold wind if we can have a real spring. The weather outlook through the beginning of April is more of the same.

    Oh well, time to stop complaining and start planting :)

  6. Same down south Ed, record breaking temperatures in the mid to upper 80's. We are running the A/C all day in what is technically still winter. Who would have guessed.

    1. Kris, my A/C has been running the last few days too. I'm actually hoping for just a few more warm days to get the seeds planted outdoors up. Then it can get cool again.
