Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June Blooms- Daylilies etc,

Daylily season has begun.  One benefit to all that spring rain is a massive amount of scape's and incredible bud counts.
Above, 'Minstrel's Fire'
Above, 'Pearl Harbor'
Above, 'Purely Exotic'
Above, 'Bright Tomorrow'
Above, 'Spacecoast Starburst'
Above, 'Spectral Elegance'
Above, 'Improved Rose King' petunia
Above, 'Oklahoma Ivory' zinnia


  1. Very nice selection of day lilies, I really like Minstrel's Fire

  2. Beautiful. I have love day lilies! I have been collecting different types for several years now. I will be on the look out for a spacecoast sunset as I would like to have one of those!
