Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Behind the Times

I did not realize how behind this season was until I was looking through my pictures from last year.  The lilies were in full bloom, and the daylilies were approaching peak bloom.  This year they are just beginning to flower.  My pots around the pool were triple the size they are this year.
Above, one of two cosmos pots.  Each contain 2 'Psyche White Picotee', 2 'White Seashells' cosmos and a clump each of 'Rosie O'Day' and 'Carpet of Snow' alyssum.
Above, one of four matching pots along the west strip of the pool.  'Summer Jewels Red' salvia, 'Moonsong Deep Orange' marigold, 'Fresh Look Yellow' celosia, 'Zahara Double Fire' zinnia, 'Merlin Blue Morn' petunia and 'Carpet of Snow' alyssum.
Above, 'Pampas Plume' celosia and 'Zahara Double Cherry' zinnias.
Above, one of two matching pots.  'Zahara Double Cherry' zinnia, 'Fresh Look Red' celosia and 'Merlin Blue Morn' petunia.
Above, 'Black Sea Man' tomato surrounded by a carpet of arugula.  The arugula was sowed 9 days ago and will be ready to pick soon!


  1. I've found some things to be waaaay behind previous years, although last spring was cool too. Others, like my lilies, onions, cabbage, broccoli and lettuce are way ahead. The north and south sides of my garden are growing great guns, while the middle is just sitting there doing nothing. My summer squash and cucumbers haven't even germinated, and might have to be replanted! I hope the morning glories have time to blossom this year, they aren't even 6" high yet :-(

  2. Granny-
    With the high heat we are getting some things are now growing like mad. My vining tomatoes are taking off and the red cabbage looks bigger everytime I look at it. I didn't plant morning glories this year, they are coming up everywhere. They have put on a growth spurt with the heat too, so yours will probably catch up fast.
