Peas- what a jungle! I'm sure that the potential harvest was seriously affected by the thick tangle in the center. Also, while waiting for the seed to ripen, I could have replanted most of the area if there wasn't such a tangle.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Square Foot Garden Observations
Peas- what a jungle! I'm sure that the potential harvest was seriously affected by the thick tangle in the center. Also, while waiting for the seed to ripen, I could have replanted most of the area if there wasn't such a tangle.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Garden Overview

This is a ten by ten concrete slab that once housed a shed. The shed is long gone.
The vegetables are to the right rear, a sea of daylilies to the left and mixed plantings to the right front. Next year the right front will be more vegetables. There are few pots on the pad, but it is just too hot for seating. On the left is my dappled willow, this was a sprig that was six inches tall when planted in fall 2005. Now it is over ten feet high and gets pruned back to about five feet each spring.

One of the pad pots. She has been in the same pot for about ten years, over winters like a dream and just gets better and better each year. I really should liberate her from the pot...

What form would you call this?
I'm still trying to figure out the variety of this mislabeled mix. I'm now leaning towards 'All Sorts Mixed'. Whatever it is the flowers are endlessly fascinating.
I'm on vacation this week, or should I say "staycation". No matter, I've got a huge list of things to do that should keep me out of mischief :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Under the Weather
Last week I was sidelined by a nasty sinus infection. That combines with the horrible heat and humidity kept me indoors for most of the week. June has been like August when it comes the weather, I'm afraid to think of what August will bring.
Above, last weeks harvest. A 'Golden Grex' beet, 'Gonzales' cabbage, 'White Satin' and 'Scarlet Nantes' carrots. They all went into a stir fry, yum!

Bean blossoms! These are 'Greencrop' bush beans.

'Sequoia' bush beans.

One of my favorite daylilies, 'Tuscawilla Blackout'.

One of my seedlings, a cross of 'Wild One' x 'Unique Display'.
An interesting bi-tone, and the closest color to what I envisioned when I made the cross.
In case you didn't know, you can click on any photo to enlarge it. Try it on the daylilies, they look much better enlarged.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Last Weeks Harvest-Finally Shelling Peas!
Above, 'Golden Grex' beet. 'Detroit Dark Red' beet and baby carrots, 'Scarlet Nantes', 'White Satin' and 'Over the Rainbow'. The carrots went into a stir fry, yum!

And here they are shelled. The lighter ones are 'Blondie'. I'd love to know what the going rate is for shelling peas, but nobody around here sells them. I was shocked when I remembered to price snow peas yesterday, $3.50 for six ounces! That made my last weeks harvest worth over $10!
Just wait till next year though, with the planned garden expansion and I the fact that i left quite a few pods for seed, I should really be "snowed in" :)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Daylily Daze

'Huckleberry Candy'

'Mayfair Morning"

The daylilies are really starting to come on strong. At least that is one benefit to the August like heat we have been having. The hotter it gets, the better the ruffling. Those fancy ruffles usually don't come into their own until July.
The heat and the humidity have been awful this passed weak, add a nasty sinus infection and you can bet I wasn't outside much. Hopefully this coming week will be more productive.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Stripes and Picotees

'Seashells' cosmos.
This is a close up of the picotee from the mixture. It is something I am definitely going to save seed from and attempt t0 fix as a separate color.
Monday, June 7, 2010
'Blizzard' Warning

Zinnia 'Zahara Starlight Rose' is also opening. I was disappointed at first as they start out all white, but the rose blotch develops after a day or two. Looks like this could be a winner.

'Artisan's Touch'

The 'Cornetto Largo Verde' pole beans I pictured germinating a few weeks ago, they have now reached the top of their six foot tee pee!
I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with my planting. I'm hoping to be finished by the end of this weekend. Then the massive weeding begins...
Friday, June 4, 2010
What's Growing On
I haven't had much time at the computer for a update. All of my spare time seemed to be trying to get my planting finished. Here's an update of what's growing on in the garden.
Purple podded 'Pretty' peas, a shelling variety.
'Blondie' peas, these should be ready to harvest soon.

Three varieties of carrots, 'Scarlet Nantes', 'Over the Rainbow' and 'White Satin'. the carrots are doing great, hopefully they will start bulking up soon.