Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stripes and Picotees

I've always been a sucker for anything that's striped, picoteed, splashed, flaked or spotted. Here are the first of this years blooms.

'Brighton Rock' snapdragon.
One of the very few surviving strains of striped snapdragons. The stripes are more prominent in cool weather.

'Seashells' cosmos.

This is a close up of the picotee from the mixture. It is something I am definitely going to save seed from and attempt t0 fix as a separate color.


  1. They are both so gorgeous ... but I do so love that snapdragon. I've never seen a striped one before ... just wonderful!

  2. Thanks Bernie. The seed is from a uk company, Mr. Fothergills. Bought the packet in 2000, when you could still easily import seed. I'm still using that packet! This year I will start to save the seed.
