Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"Black Death"

Black tomato death, that is.
This is the second year in a row that my potato leaved black tomatoes have dies in July.  Both 'Balck Sea Man' and 'Putple Pear' have gone from healthy plants a week to wilting and dead this week.  It's very puzzling as they are amongst other tomato plants that are thriving.

I've noticed no spots on the leaves or stems.  The plants just start to wilt and are dead within a week.  Hmnn... these varieties are both from Russia.  Maybe they can't take the extreme heat.

Oh well, such is garden life.  I'll be loaded with ripe 'Black Cherry' tomatoes soon as well as 'Amy's Apricot', 'Reisenstraube', 'Ivory Pear' and 'Italian Cherry'.  I won't even mention the 'Victor' tomatoes that are absolutely loaded and starting to ripen.

There is always next year...


  1. ouch! That's really a shame because Black Sea Man is very tasty.

    1. I do regret their loss. Hopefully one of the few large sized tomatoes will be good tasting too.

  2. So sorry to hear about your plants. You may also have one of a number of wilt diseases (fusarium, verticillium, etc.). I have fusarium wilt in my soil. Countless heirlooms have succumbed in the way you describe. However, since your other heirlooms are doing fine perhaps it was something else (crossing my fingers it was).

    1. I'm not sire if it is a wilt. Next year I am going to grow them in a spot that has never grown tomatoes before. I'm hoping that none of the others succumb.

  3. That is sad news Ed. Some of mine are getting blossom end rot. I have kept them water so I do not know what is causing it.

    1. Lona, I stopped growing paste tomatoes for that bery reason. Despite abundant water etc. they always had blossom end rot. Only the paste types, never any of the others!

  4. I had that happen to all of my Brandywines last year, in the only bed that was big enough to hold them. I didn't plant them this year, but I think next year I'll try again. My Black Cherry are really slow to ripen, but I'm getting a few Una Heartsock to keep me happy.

    1. I have enough of other varieties. I'm looking forward to the 'Black Cherry' tomatoes. Hopefully I'll have enough to let someone else besides me eat them, LOL!
