Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Flowers- 2012

What would Easter be without a few flowers?
Even though the the tulips are passed their prime, their still were some nice ones to greet the day.  This year they were joined by the dwarf bearded iris and one of the tree peonies.

'Fringed Elegance' Tulips.

'Flaming Parrot' tulip.

'Stitch Witch' standard dwarf bearded iris.

One clump of 'Stitch Witch' sdb iris.

'Delsinaugh' daffodil.

Viola odorata clump.

Small cupped, pink daffodil.

Tree peony.

'Queen of the Night' tulip.


  1. Gorgeous flowers! Mine are only now starting to go into bloom so few weeks behind you :)

    1. Thanks Jenny! At least you getting cooler weather, so yours should last longer than mine. I've never had the dwarf iris blooming this early, they first flowers were in the end of march.
