Friday, September 17, 2010

Fertilizer Friday

Fertilizer Friday is hosted by Tootsie Time
The blooms are slowing down, but I've still got a few to flaunt.
I decided to try a new fall look for the blog, let me know what you think.
At last, after waiting the entire summer, the first bloom on 'Heavenly Blue' morning glory!

A nice photo of the light pink 'Stripes and Splashes Mixed' morning glory.

A giant bloom of the blue splashed from 'Stripes and Splashes Mixed' morning glory.

'Sparky' marigold.

'Petite Orange' marigold.

Close up of a newly purchased mum.

The second bloom on the red cactus dahlia shown last week. This one is a keeper!

I've been harvesting morning glory seeds all week. By the time I'm through I should have several ounces of most of the varieties that I've pictured.

The bush and pole beans are still producing, I'm still picking about a pound a week.
The lettuce seed are up and growing quickly under fluorescent lights.


  1. Your Morning Glories and Mum are gorgeous!!

  2. Do you mean there is still a chance my "Heavenly Blue" morning glories will bloom? I have three huge plantings of lush green vines, and not a single blossom yet. Last year they were in full bloom by July 19th!

  3. The stripes and splaches morning glory is striking! I need to add more varieties to my morning glories next year.

  4. Dragonfly- Thanks!

    Annie's Granny- Yes, there is hope! I have another planting of 'Heavenly Blue' that is just starting to bud.

    Alea- Thanks! Next year I plan trying several more varieties of morning gory.


  5. After I commented about my morning glories, I went out to look at them....they are covered with buds! We may only have about three weeks before we get our killing frost, so I sure hope they hurry up!

  6. The leaves on my Morning Glories are now fading away. I guess because the nights are so cool.
