Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Rose Among the Carrots

Such strange bed fellows... Last year when this garden was being constructed, there was a scraggly little rose named 'Broadway' right in the middle of the bed. I decided to leave it be. I figured it would not be able to compete and my conscious could rest easy for not having to dig it out. Of course, this little rose decided to have the last laugh. Pictured above is it's first flower, it has six other large buds. And here is the glamour shot.

I guess I'll keep it :) The bush has a narrow, upright growth pattern, so it really doesn't tale up that much room.


  1. Well ... you certainly did the right thing in keeping this beauty. What a gorgeous rose!

  2. Thanks Bernie, it has become one of my favorites.

  3. It's doing really well isn't it. I love it when the garden takes over on its own and provides a delightful surprise. With more buds on the way, you'll have enough for a small bouquet.
