Well, five weeks if you want to get technical. The photo above is the vegetable areas as it looks now. Can you tell that I like lettuce, LOL! Four varieties of peas are in the back bed. From left to right 'Blondie', 'Blizzard', 'Pretty' and 'Freezonian'. Today I noticed that 'Blizzard' is starting to bud. The white Iris in the foreground is 'Immortality'. This will be moved after the blooms finish in order to ezpand the vegetable area.

There are a dozen varieties of lettuce. Left back row 'Bronze Beauty', '
Forellenschus', 'Hyper Red Rumpled Wave', '
Forellenschus', 'Les
Orielles du Diable', '
Lingue de Canarino', '
Kagraner Somer'. Left middle row 'Salad Bowl', '
Lollo de Vino', '
Buttercrunch', 'Blushed Butter Cos', 'Two Star', 'Blushed Butter Oak'. It's hard to believe I've already harvested two pounds of lettuce leaves. The cabbage in the front row is 'Gonzales, that will be soon thinned to one per square foot.

The area of the back bed behind the peas. From left to right, 'Ice Bred'
arrugula, '
Tyee' spinach, 'Even Star'
arrugula and two extra cabbage. Just over a pound and a half of these greens have been harvested, but the
arrugula is already starting to bolt. Oh well, it's almost time to plant the pole beans in that section.
One of the benefits of this location is that the fence on two sides gives the area protection from most of the winds that constantly come down from the over the mountain. The rose in the middle of the right bed is 'Broadway'. I was going to remove it, but of course it started to do so well that I didn't have the heart to remove it.
All of the lettuce and the cabbage were started under
fluorescent lights in the basement. This year I've been keeping track of my seed starting on an excel spread sheet. I'm at 117 different types and varieties, flowers and vegetables, with no end in sight!