Fertilizer Friday is hosted by Tootsie Time
It's hard to believe that the week has gone by so quickly. This passed week actually brought a bit of much needed rain.

Above, the 'Broken Colors' four o'clocks are blooming like mad. Every day the show is a bit different. I highly recommend them if you like stripes and spots.

Above, 'Aomaraski Zyouhantensibori' morning glory. How's that for a name! These seeds came from e-bay on 2005 and this is the first year I've grown them. Every seed sprouted, and they really have helped satisfy my stripes addiction.

Above, another e=bay morning glory from 2005. This was supposed to be 'Gypsy Bride', a double (hige) of white with a purple spot near the throat. They bloomed this pink with a red star, a lighter pink than 'Sunrise Serenade' and they are come single and feathered. This is the single.

Above, a semi-feathered bloom.

Above, a fully feathered bloom. Since I have no idea what strain, if any this is I've dubbed it "High Hopes". It sounds much better than "I've waited all summer for this??!!!".

Above, another bloom of 'Cornell' morning glory, the last of those 2005 e-bay seeds. I should have loads of seed from this one when they ripen.

Above, 'Aomaraski Zyouhantensibori' morning glory showing a different face.

Above, the original strain of 'Bolero' marigold. This is the one that won the All-America Selections award in 1970 and has become almost impossible to find.

Above, one of my favorite types of petunia, the old Superbissima's, commonly known as 'Giants of California'. The plants and the blooms grow to a massive size!
Hope you all have a good weekend!